Midland’s Secret To A Successful New Year’s Resolution
With the new year comes New Year’s resolutions. It’s no secret that many turn out to be unsuccessful, though, and that’s part of the reason the guys of Midland approach them differently.
So often New Year’s resolutions focus on the negative, and Midland’s Mark Wystrach says that’s not the way to do it. “I don’t believe in making resolutions to quit something.” he explains through the trio’s record label. “I believe in [making them to] improve something.”
What does mean exactly? “It’s always like, okay, what in my life am I not doing good enough?” Mark continues. “Instead of like being like, ‘I’m gonna quit doing this,’ I’m gonna be like, ‘Okay, I’m gonna drink better, or I’m gonna be a better friend.”
Cameron Duddy, who quips, “I’m gonna drink more!”
In any case, the guys believe New Year’s resolutions are a good thing. “I think resolutions are necessary,” Mark offers. “I think [there’s something good about] the idea [of] always taking inventory and kind of an honest look yourself [to] then try to improve.”
Meanwhile, the holidays aren’t slowing the guys down much. After a brief break for Christmas, they’re back on the road beginning December 30th in Nebraska. It’s off to Kansas City the day after that for Kid Rock’s New Year’s Eve Bash. See a complete list of upcoming Midland dates here.
Teddy McDonald is a fun-lovin’ country music fan man living in Nashville, Tennessee.