Brett Eldredge Has a Special Work Out That Burns 500 Calories An Hour
500 calories an hour. Anyone would kill for some tips on a workout like that, right?!
It turns out, that’s the caloric cut when Brett’s done singing for an hours time!

(Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)
Okay, so that’s not the only way Brett Eldredge gets that physique. He recently sat down with GQ Magazine and they asked what his workout routine is really like. He had this to say:
“Back home in Illinois, I have a trainer—my best friend from college—and he’s amazing. We’ll go run five miles with Edgar on country roads, and we’ll do different intervals of sprints. On the road, it can be harder, but I still do a lot of hiking with my dog. Sometimes I’ll find a gym and get a day pass. Or, if we’re in the middle of a desert, we’ll just go crazy and do random stuff—like, we bring parachutes for sprints, and jump ropes, and things like that. I’d say I train roughly five days a week.”
Don’t forget, he also likes to work Edgar into some of these work outs, too… *swoon in 3…2…1…*