An Unexpected Big Brother Finale Moment And Past Contestant Couple News
A new Big Brother winner was crowned last night. But, that’s not all that happened. (SPOILERS AHEAD)
As Big Brother 20 came to an end, the final two, Tyler and Kaycee, waited patiently as the very, very long episode went on (and on, as they always do.)
Julie Chen went back to the showmances this season. After talking with Tyler and Angela about theirs (they’re still on) and Faysal and Haleigh about theirs (“it’s the real deal.”) and then there was Bayleigh and Christopher (aka Swaggy.) Well, just watch below on what happened with them…
Oh and when it comes to who actually won, since Swaggy sorta stole the show, Kaycee took the first place price of $500,000!
In other Big Brother news, Jess and Cody, remember them?
Not only are they still together, won a million bucks on the Amazing Race and got engaged …but, they’re also expecting!