Former Pro-Wrestler CM Punk To Take Over As Ash In ‘Evil Dead?’
CM Punk is a legendary WWE wrestler who exited on his terms, arguably at the peak of his pro-wrestling stardom. He has dabbled in MMA as well as acting. The latest horror movie CM Punk stars in is The Girl on the Third Floor and it recently premiered on Netflix and horror-fans and CM Punk-fans alike are loving it. Enough that there has been a Twitter campaign looking for Punk to take over the iconic character of Ash in the Evil Dead film franchise.
Enough noise was made that Bruce Campbell, the actor who has played Ash since the beginning responded himself on Twitter pretty hilariously:
/retweetsYou know what? CM Punk is great! He should play a guy in a horror series named Nash, or Bash, or Lash. With all due respect, the name Ash is, like the best table at a restaurant, reserved.
— Bruce Campbell (@GroovyBruce) March 4, 2020
Looks like Ash isn’t giving up the throne so easily….