With Zoos Closed To Humans, The Animals Are Visiting Each Other (And It’s Really Cute)
Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium is closed due to Coronavirus concerns. So workers have taken this opportunity to take the penguins there on a field trip to visit the other animals. They posted this video to Twitter and it’s pretty adorable:
/retweetsPenguins in the Amazon?! 🐧🌴
— Shedd Aquarium (@shedd_aquarium) March 15, 2020
Some of the penguins went on a field trip to meet other animals at Shedd. Wellington seemed most interested in the fishes in Amazon Rising! The black-barred silver dollars also seemed interested in their unusual visitor. pic.twitter.com/KgYWsp5VQD
The Oregon Zoo jumped on that idea as well, taking their baby elephant around to visit other animals:
Oregon Zoo took the baby elephant around the zoo to visit the other animals. pic.twitter.com/c0zEMD6nyG
— Chris Hawks (@CHawksRun) March 16, 2020
We could all use a little extra cute right now. 🙂