The First Ever Turkey Nugget is Here
Everyone is doing Thanksgiving differently this year and that could mean eating your meal in a new way. Perdue can help with the first ever turkey nugget!
To make sure you have a well-rounded Thanksgiving meal, ThanksNuggets come in two varietys: light-meat with sweet potato flavoring and dark-meat with stuffing and cranberry tastes.
The nuggets will come in turkey and drumstick shapes.
“Thanksgiving is going to look very different this year, and we know there’s a lot of cooking fatigue out there right now, so we thought we’d have a little fun with it by launching our limited edition ThanksNuggets,” Tracy Hostetler, VP of Marketing said in a statement.
“Whether you’re celebrating on your own or just downsizing your feast, PERDUE ThanksNuggets pack your favorite flavors of the holiday into two effortlessly delicious turkey nuggets.”
Perdue is selling these nuggets in a limited amount on its website on November 13th. The price for each bag is $19.20.