Swearing Is Good For You
When my daughter was about 13 years old she started a swear jar for us (her parents). I laughed because I rarely swore, at least from my point of view. It bothered her if I was driven to the point of spewing out a four letter word, so I tried my best to curtail it. Now that she is a college student, all bets are off! This morning while in the laundry room closet, I came across the old jar of memories of words I can’t say on the radio. I did some digging and found important information to share. The news is…swearing is good for you!
It’s true! Swearing is good for you because it helps you express yourself. Whether it’s from pain, frustration or fear, letting out an explitive can be theraputic. But wait, there’s more! According to a CNN article and an interview they did with Timothy Jay, a Mass College of Liberal Arts professor emeritus of psychology, swearing has many advantages. He should know because he studied swearing for more than 40 years! The professor went on to relay, “The benefits of swearing have just emerged in the last two decades, as a result of a lot of research on brain and emotion, along with much better technology to study brain anatomy.” He also said swearing can be a sign that you are wicked smart, “To the degree that language is correlated with intelligence. People that are good at language are good at generating a swearing vocabulary.” So have at it, my friends. But I swear I will keep my “intelligence” off the air waves.
Enjoy this, my cussin’ cousins!
The Cities That Swear the Most & Least in the US - Boston is #2 on One of Those Lists