Oscar Mayer Is Going Cold: Selling Hot Dog Flavored Popsicles
You may be thinking, did I read that correctly? Hot dog flavored popsicles? Is this real? And Why? Questions, we all have questions. The answer is yes! The company famous for their hot dogs is freezing their assets. Kind of. Oscar Mayer is going cold. They have started selling hot dog flavored popsicles. The food company has made a living out of hot dogs for the past 150 years, and hope this new product will be as hot.
Oscar Mayer has partnered with Popbar, which is a company known for their innovative frozen products like hot chocolate on a stick, and the waffle bar. The two companies say the Cold Dog has the signature hot dog smokiness and will be topped with what looks like a swirl of mustard! Call me crazy but smokey flavors of a hot dog in a frozen sweet treat seems, well, kind of crazy. Obviously they realize it’s a stretch, which is likely why part of their marketing campaign touts, “stupid or genius?”
Some called it stupid, many called it genius. Introducing the Oscar Mayer Cold Dog, a hot dog-flavored frozen pop. Now available at @popbar in Long Beach, Atlanta, New Orleans, and NYC. #StupidOrGenius? You decide pic.twitter.com/9cbB2A14ML
— Oscar Mayer (@oscarmayer) August 25, 2022
According to Today,these Cold Dogs are available for “the low, low price of $2 at select Popbar locations.” Which may translate to test markets. And those locations are currently in Long Beach, California, New York City, New Orleans, Louisiana and Atlanta, Georgia. How did this idea ever come to fruition? The company says the idea was sparked from their “Stupid or Genius” social media campaign. It’s such an unusual combo of tastes that it has sparked a bit of a debate online. And of course, everyone has an opinion. Let’s check out some of them!
Two summer staples — hot dogs and popsicles — are coming together. Oscar Mayer presents the "Cold Dog," a frozen pop that is "both refreshing and smokey”
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) August 26, 2022
When will @ManischewitzCo give us the cholent pop? Or the gefilta pop? https://t.co/nBrHagVWiG
Oscar Mayer ‘Cold Dog’ Popsicles Are Stupid by Design https://t.co/eXer9ncBpB pic.twitter.com/ypYHQEoxUV
— The Takeout (@thetakeout) August 26, 2022
While Snopes was combing Oscar Mayer’s marketing materials to determine whether the “Cold Dog” was an authentic food item (it is), our fact-checkers came across an even more bizarre product: the “bologna-inspired face mask.” https://t.co/DiBugeLuNa
— snopes.com (@snopes) August 26, 2022
The end is near, y’all.
— Jamie Harding (@jhardingAL) August 27, 2022
Oscar Mayer Is Selling Hot Dog-Flavored Ice Pops AKA ‘Cold Dogs' https://t.co/aoaL06At0v