Boston Named Easiest City To Find Someone With No Red Flags
There must be a lot of people with a lot of red flags in all the other cities for this to be true: a new study just named Boston the #1 city where it’s easiest to find someone with no red flags.
Shiny Smile Veneers conducted the study and they came away with some pretty interesting results. First, as previously stated, Boston was named the #1 city for finding prospective love interests without any red flags. The study also found that people are second least likely to ghost in Boston of all cities in the US. According to the data only 32% of Boston residents had been ghosted. ONLY?!? A third of the city has been ghosted by a romantic interest and that gets an “only”?! And how high are the ghosting numbers in other cities for us to be second best at 32% ghosted? Daaaannnnggg.
Oh, and our biggest relationship deal breaker in Boston is bad hygiene. An d as far as those dating red flags go, Boston singles consider the top first date red flag to be someone who doesn’t ask any questions about their date. Yup. That’d be a red flag for sure.
Man, with all this ghosting, bad hygiene, and self-obsessed daters I’m really glad my time in the dating pool. is long gone. It sounds like a lot.
Let me know if you agree with the findings of this study, because judging by my single dating Boston friends and their relationship trials and tribulations, I’m thinking either A) dating in other cities must be a real dumpster fire or B) my friends are dating all the red flags so you don’t have to! LOL
So we may be the best city for finding someone with no red flags but another study by Wallet Hub doesn’t like Boston’s dating report card nearly as much. Their study looked at the Best Overall Cities for Singles. How did Boston do? See below. It’s a quick drop after #4…