What Movie Made Jonathan Wier Get Into A Fight With His Wife?
What’s the most uncomfortable you have been in a movie theater?
Imagine going to McDonalds and ordering a Filet O’ Fish sandwhich and instead what you get is a sushi roll dripping with what you hope is soy sauce. Would you eat it? Well, that’s how I felt this weekend while watching Poor Things.
On Saturday my wife and I decided to go see “Poor Things“. From the trailer it looked like some kind of take on Young Frankenstein, one of my favorite movies. I didn’t have any interest in going but she insisted we hadn’t been to a movie in a long time. So without knowing much about it we went into the theater expecting a quirky movie about mad scientists cobbling together zombie slaves. You know, a romp.
Instead we saw the most uncomfortable film I’ve ever seen
Instead the movie was one of the weirdest most disturbing movies I’ve ever seen. Emma Stone spends half of the movie naked.Not just naked but having graphic sex with guy after guy after guy. Disturbingly, she is also a grown woman with the brain of a baby (literally). Even though she develops quickly through the movie it’s a horrifying implication. There are also a lot of messed up medical scenes involving slicing people open and at one point poking at tumors. The doctor who made her occasionally belches these transclucent bubbles of ghastliness into the air. Female genital mutilation is openly discussed as is SOCIALISM.
Now I’m no square and I am far from squeemish, I watched Requiem for a Dream and American Psycho in theaters. But I cannot begin to tell you how uncomfortable I was watching this movie in a packed theater in the middle of Burlington Massachusetts on a Saturday afternoon. I just kept looking at my wife with a “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” look while we both grimmaced uncomfotably at the grotesque pornography taking place on the screen. At one point she hissed “WELL YOU WATCH ADULT FILMS!” and I was like “YES BUT NOT AROUND 50 STRANGERS!”
I walked out of the movie which I have literally never done once in my life. It made me feel like when you are a kid and you are watching a movie with your parents and all the sudden a sex scene comes on.
Only this sex scene lasted 144 minutes. However because my wife didn’t want to leave I couldn’t just get in my car and go home, so I spent a good amount of time hanging out in the lobby getting popcorn and watching tv on my phone. When the movie was over my wife apologized, but it wasn’t her fault, the movie is really poorly marketed.
So it was a bad movie?
I’m not going to say the movie was bad. It wasn’t, it was just NOT what I was expecting. That McSushi sandwich again. Maybe it tastes great, but it’s not what you were expecting. I’m not saying avoid this movie. I am saying do your homework before buying a ticket. I wish I had.
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