Can You Really Get a Tapeworm in Your Head from Eating Undercooked Bacon?
There’s a story in the news about a Florida guy who thought he had a migraine but as it turns out it was a TAPEWORM in his head that he got from eating undercooked bacon that had gone bad. Uhhhh… I know a lot of people enjoy bacon sooooo what’s up wit dat?
Can you really get a tapeworm in your freaking head from eating bacon?!
The short answer is yes.
BUT – it would seem that you’d need to eat a lot of it. Like, a lot a lot.
The 52 year old Florida man’s story was documented in a study published in the American Journal of Case Reports last week. The man reported that his chronic migraines gradually became more severe over a four-month period. So doctors performed a CT scan and they were shocked at what they found: festering tapeworm eggs, and lots of them.
As it turns out the unnamed man confessed that he routinely made a habit of enjoying servings of undercooked bacon, which experts believe is what made him vulnerable to the infestation. The man was treated with antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory medications. However, researchers warn that the strange condition, which is known medically as neurocysticercosis, is very rare in the United States and should put physicians on guard for future cases since it’s unusual to encounter infected pork in the United States.
To sum it up: score this as a win for the Crispy Bacon Crew! Make sure you cook that bacon. I don’t want your head to turn into a gross worm farm. Plus, mmmm… crispy bacon….
In other news that may make your head feel like it’s going to pop from this week – TikTok may be banned in the US soon! Sooooo… let’s look through 11 Must-Watch LOCAL TikTok Creators before the app disappears. These Boston creators are entertaining!: