MSPCA Seeks Fosters for Dogs Impacted by California Wildfires
Nine dogs displaced by the wildfires in Los Angeles County, California, are now in Massachusetts.
The dogs arrived from the Pasadena Humane Society on Friday, Jan. 31, on a flight organized by the Best Friends Animal Society. Upon arriving in Massachusetts, they were housed at the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem.
“We would love for people to come out and adopt these dogs, but we also have a lot of amazing dogs already in our care looking for homes,” said Josie Waldron, MSPCA-Angell relocation manager, in a media release. “If now’s not the time to adopt, we’re also looking for families who can foster dogs, which would allow them to decompress in a home setting while also freeing up space in our shelters.”
The effort is part of the MSPCA Disaster Relief program, which offers assistance to disasters that impact animals across the United States.
In the media release, Waldron said the cross-country transport for any group of animals is challenging. An airplane needs to be completely full to fly, resulting in more animals than any one shelter could take in at once. Some animals were shared with shelters and organizations in Delaware before the remainder went to Massachusetts.
According to MSPCA-Angell, the dogs, which range in age from one to 10, include various breeds such as hounds, German shepherds, pit bulls, and cattle dog mixes. These animals were residing at the Pasadena Humane Society before the California wildfires broke out.
The dogs will be available for adoption following a Massachusetts-mandated 48-hour quarantine and medical examination. Individuals interested in adopting, fostering, or donating to support the dogs can visit MSPCA-Angell’s website.