Creamy salad dressing made of mayonnaise, buttermilk, garlic, herbs, spices and grated cheese

Lori was on a nice date at an upscale restaurant when her date learned that the place didn’t have ranch dressing. He excused himself and left, and came back 20 minutes later with a bottle of Kraft Ranch from the supermarket. He then proceeded to douse his entire expensive meal in bottled ranch dressing before eating. Is this a red flag?

Ayla Brown: Do we need to start filing a restraining order? I don’t know. Tell us what happened so we can determine.

Lori: Well, not that crazy, but a little crazy. So I went on this really great day where it was upscale, you know, where there’s, like, white tablecloths on the tables. This was a really nice place that he took me to. Okay. And, you know, we ordered our drinks. We’re talking and we’re trying to decide on an appetizer. And we decided to get salads. And the waiter asked, okay, what kind of dressing would you like? And he said, Oh, I’ll have ranch. And the waiter said, Oh, no, we we actually make all of our dressings in-house, you know, like some restaurants they have the fancier stuff, like, you know, like a champagne vinegarette.

Ayla Brown: All homemade house made by the chefs.

Lori: But they didn’t have ranch, which I mean I know that’s like a go to but I get it. They make their own.

Ayla Brown: Not a big deal

Lori: He’s really into his ranch and he said, okay, I’ll just get it without the dressing. No big deal. Okay, so our salads land on the table. We’re talking. And he said, I’m sorry. I will be right back. And I thought, okay, I guess he’s going to the bathroom. Well, I see him go to his car, I think, okay, he’s getting like a jacket or something. And then he drives away and I’m thinking, wait a minute.

Ayla Brown: Hello, I’m still here. So he gets in his car. Where does he go? How long did he leave you there?

Lori: Oh, my God. It was 25 minutes before he got back, I was struggling with this. Like, do I wait? Is this a surprise for me? I don’t know, because he didn’t say where he was going. He said, I’ll be right back. He pulls back into the parking lot. I’ve got to see what what’s the emergency was.

Ayla Brown: Did his grandmother pass away? Like, why did he leave this date?

Lori: He comes back and he has a bottle of Kraft Ranch dressing. From the store.

Ayla Brown: No.

Lori: No, he did. He got his own dressing.

Ayla Brown: Jim, have you ever heard of this? There’s no way someone did this. No. I’ve heard of hot sauce.

Lori: You know, you bring hot sauce, but. So I was like, Oh, okay, this is weird, but I’m going to let it go. He likes his dressing. So then we get our food and, you know, I’m trying not to talk about the dressing. That’s the elephant in the room. And we’re talking and he goes to grab the ranch. Mind you, the server already took our salads. They’re gone.

Ayla Brown: Oh, my.

And he starts putting it all over his steak on his mashed potatoes. On everything. The only thing he didn’t put the ranch on was his beverage. And I thought, Why? Why?

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