Kane Brown called Jackson Blue on Wednesday afternoon after announcing his tour for next Summer, which includes a stop in Boston.
Jackson Blue Hello Country1025.com Listeners. It is Jackson Blue and we have a treat on the phone right now, a guy who made a major announcement this morning, Kane Brown.
Kane Brown How’s it going?
Jackson Blue What’s up, man? How’s it going?
Kane Brown Hanging out.
Jackson Blue You sound like you are exhausted because of your announcement that you made today.
Kane Brown I’m a little tired. I’m coming back to Fenway, I’m pumped!
Jackson Blue And that’s the announcement we’re talking about. Kane Brown is coming back to Fenway Park. I remember I don’t know if you remember, but I was with you at a Street Party I know if you remember that. But like years ago on Lansdowne Street outside of Fenway Park. Which I think the view from the stage from Street Party was one of my favorite views that there ever was that existed. And then I was so proud to hear that you were moving in and sold out Fenway Park, which everybody I talk to said was a blast.
Kane Brown Oh, they were both fun, man. You know, the cool thing was, you know, just going from the outside of Fenway, inside, you know, But I felt like we had a great show this year. It was so fun. I was so excited. And we’re just going to have to do it bigger this next time we come.
Jackson Blue Can you tell us anything? Because that’s like holy to us, Fenway Park, anything that stood out to you being in the park or playing to, seeing the audience, feeling the vibe?
Kane Brown Well, Fenway is always going to have a special place in my heart because it was the first time I ever got to do or was my first stadium, and then it was sold out. So I’m always going to have a special place in my heart. We’re going to do six stadiums now, you know, moving up. It was such a surreal feeling actually walking to the stage and just the the crowd interaction. And I remember walking, getting to walk around the stadium because when you’re up, when you’re onstage, you don’t get to see everybody. But when I got to go to the B stage and walk around and just see all the fans in the stands and everybody had their flashlights out, it was such a cool feeling and I just felt so much love coming back is going to be bigger, is going to be the production is going to be even bigger. I’ll have new music out. I’m really excited for this new song that I’ll have out. Um, I Can Feel It is going to be such a huge jam, not only for country radio, but definitely for the live part of the show. For any Phil Collins fans, you’ll hear the.
Jackson Blue Doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Kane Brown Yeah, the iconic drum feel and all that. So I’ll just try to figure out where I put that into the set because I thought about starting it. But then I feel like it’s so, so high energy. I don’t think there’s anywhere else to go after you start the show at that song.
Jackson Blue And that song comes out tomorrow, I Can Feel It. It’s the name of the tour, so we know the song is going to be a banger when we hear it tomorrow. What can you tell us about it?
Kane Brown Well, like I said, it’s a reference to Phil Collins. I got the drum fill in there. I got the I can feel it in the air. It’s a completely different song. I rewrote it. I can’t even explain it. It’s going to be huge on the radio, but live version, I have such an image for it. For those drum fills, just the lighting we’re going to kind of get to relive, especially for kids that have never got to see Phil Collins. You’re going to get the kind of relive, I guess, his show through mine. Boston, I love you guys and I cannot wait to see you. Please come to see me, man.
Jackson Blue Kane Brown, Congratulations on Bury Me in Georgia. Can’t wait to hear your new song tomorrow. And we can’t wait to see you back at Fenway again. Thanks for hanging out with us.
Kane Brown Oh, thanks, brother. I have to catch up with you when I come back.