I’m a life-long wrestling fan. No, not collegiate or Greco-Roman, I’m not that classy. I’m a life-long fan of the bad-soap-opera-steel-chairs-and-barbed-wire-Jimmy-Superfly-Snuka-off-the-top-rope-the-flashier-the-better-sometimes-cringeworthy form of wrestling and I’m proud of it.

One thing I love about pro-wrestling is the fans’ connection with the hometown guys and girls. Many times even if the wrestler is the biggest villain going, when they come home they get a hero’s welcome. Boston has always been great to it’s hometown stars of wrestling – BUT – some names on this list even surprised me and I consider myself a bit of a pro-wrestling O.G.

Here are 13 Pro-Wrestlers You Might Not Know Are From Massachusetts. We’ll start with the most obvious and get more surprising as we go along…

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