They’re crusty like our burnt toast, yet somehow we find them loveable. What is that about? Here, I’ll take a look at some of the most beloved but often unlikeable television cranks. When I saw that today, January 29th, is National Curmudgeon Day, I knew I had to spotlight some of the kookiest, craziest, and crankiest of the can’t-help-but-love-’em curmudgeons. We all have likely have one in our own lives. But, here are 6 of the greatest curmudgeons in TV history!
To be honest, the first character that came to my mind was The Office’s Michael Scott. Then, I realize he’s not really a curmudgeon, as defined in Webster’s (crusty, ill tempered). Massachusetts’ own Steve Carrell’s character is much more of an annoyance and a difficult person thank a crank. So, he’s out.
I certainly have a few favorites, but I have also enlisted the assistance of TV Insider and Ranker. I’ll take you as far back as the 70’s, and as recent as a character from a current sitcom that is set to air it’s final season with the premiere on February 4, 2024.
Another legendary curmudgeon that comes to mind is Mr. Burns from The Simpsons. However, this cartoon character is far more evil than cranky. The famous and fictional curmudgeons in the spotlight here give new meaning to waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Certainly, we’ve all done that! With these personas, it’s permanent. There’s no escaping their rancorous wrath.
So, what makes these 6 of the greatest curmudgeons in TV history even palatable? Perhaps it’s the fact that they are flawed but fearless by being completely unfiltered. They simply can’t help themselves. From beloved shows like All in The Family to That 70s Show, here, you can soak up all the feels of sitcoms that have provided us with hours and hours of entertainment. Get ready to crank up the cranky and enjoy reminiscing with favorite characters and TV shows.