It’s back to school time! And with it comes so much stress and so many expenses! (This list will help you save money.) Check out these school lunch hacks your kids will love, and you’ll love to make!
So. Much. Stress.
I’ve learned to compartmentalize my issues so I tackle just one at a time. It helps me from becoming overwhelmed. Helps. And I can use all the help I can get. (Like these great items every mom needs for back to school!)
One thing that used to really give me anxiety is packing my kids’ lunch. When my daughter was in kindergarten, she wouldn’t eat a sandwich. (I mean, really? No peanut butter and jelly, no turkey and cheese, not even grilled cheese!) That was a challenge I tackled, and feel I won. Both she and my son were known for their fun little “bento box” lunches that included kabobs and deconstructed sandwiches.

You do what you have to do.
Thank GOD for the internet. I was on every mom blog, Instagram, and TikTok I could find to figure out how to be creative with healthy foods for the kids. Okay, relatively healthy foods. They are kids. My goal was to get a fruit and or vegetable in them at lunch. I knew the carbohydrates and proteins would be a little easier.
Don’t break the bank.
But here’s the thing. You know as well as I do that eating healthy foods that are fun and enticing to kids can be easy if you’re willing to pay an arm and a leg for them. It’s a real shame that junk food is so much more accessible and more cost-effective than real food. But our kids have enough hurdles to overcome, especially at the beginning of the school year. So, let’s take this one for them.
Don’t reinvent the wheel.
And getting creative with your kids’ school lunches doesn’t have to take up all your time and energy, either. Don’t reinvent the wheel. There are others who came before you (who somehow have time to create snazzy social media posts) who really want to help. Use their ideas and let’s do what’s best for our kids.