When it comes to Boston credit card use, over spending, binge drinking, are we the NUMBER ONE sinner? Yes I am asking on Cyber Monday.
Holiday Spending, Parties
Well this IS the time of the year, we relax our personal rules. “Hey, I deserve it. I worked hard! What’s wrong with spending on me? Why can’t I have that extra drink, cookie, or cake? That’s the movie we play in our head going into Thanksgiving weekend.
According to the Journal of Obesity, yes, that’s really a thing:
The average weight gain during this time period is anywhere from 0.8 pounds to just under 2 pounds, according to a research review published in the Journal of Obesity.
Personally, I think it’s more. Think about it. We have the work party, Thanksgiving, Christmas, a drink or two catching up with old friends, and the overall slowdown after Christmas. Could it be more than FIVE pounds?
What about spending? Every headline reads, “people are living paycheck to paycheck.” Yet, the weekend after Thanksgiving, the malls are PACKED. Where does this money come from?
According to the NRF, National Retail Federation:
According to the National Retail Federation, holiday spending is expected to grow between 3% and 4% — a typical annual increase. Total holiday spending is expected to hit between $957.3 billion and $966.6 billion this year.
Adobe Analytics says:
One out of every five Americans will to use short-term installment plans to pay for their holiday shopping, according to Adobe Analytics. These ‘buy now, pay later’ plans are especially popular with young people – driving more than $9.3 billion in sales in the month of November.
What City Is The MOST Sinful?
Our pals at Wallethub are out with a new report on what cities ARE the most sinful, when it comes to holiday over indulgence. With Boston credit card use, where do we come in? According to Wallethub:
WalletHub today released its report on the 2023’s Most Sinful Cities in America, which compares more than 180 U.S. cities based on seven sinful behaviors: anger and hatred, jealousy, excesses and vices, greed, lust, vanity, and laziness.
So, let’s take a look at how greedy, hateful and jealous we are! (WE are not so bad!)