In honor of World Teachers Day, let’s take a look at some of our favorite country stars with teacher moms. Did you know these 6 country superstars have moms who were teachers? I had no idea, with the exception of Carrie Underwood. She has often talked about growing up with her teacher mom, Carole.
Teachers are such an important part of our lives. We all have that favorite teacher who played a role in our lives, big or small. They help keep us in check and inspire. World Teacher Day was established in 1994 to celebrate the work of our teachers. It’s fun to learn about these country stars’ teacher moms.
These 6 country superstars were lucky enough to have moms who were teachers. As Carrie Underwood put it, “it’s a blessing and a curse.” As you can imagine the standard for school work for the child of a teacher had to have been exceptional. They all survived and thrived. In one case, a country artist had his mom as his music teacher. That worked out well. So, take a look at these familiar faces and voices. Did you know these 6 country superstars have moms who were teachers?