Aren’t we all guilty of running symptoms by Dr. Google every now and again? Not the most highly recommended method for diagnosing anything – but – when we have the twisted knowledge of the universe at our fingertips at all times, how can we not use it??
Health care staffing company Soliant Health has used Google search data to find out what residents of each state are Googling the most when it comes to their health.
Below, I’ll not only give you the 4 health questions Massachusetts residents are asking Google the most – but – since they’re the most Googled questions, why don’t we just answer them here as well? I have my research cap on and I’m ready! First, let’s look at the health questions plaguing our New England neighbors.
New Hampshire’s top question is “What causes kidney stones?” In Vermont residents want to know “What is pneumonia?” Maine’s main question for Google when it comes to health is “How to relieve sinus pressure?” Connecticut’s most Googles medical question is “What does monkey pox look like?” And in Rhode Island they’re burning up Google to find out “What causes hiccups?”
Currently the most Googled health question in all of America is “Is bronchitis contagious?” The study found that we as a nation Google that question 135,000 a month!! Coming in second place nationally is “How much water should you drink a day?” which gets around 105,000 searches a month.
And now for Massachusetts. These are the 4 most searched for medical questions on Google. We’ll give you the four questions… and we’ll also give you the answers (after doing some due diligence when it comes to a little research). So hopefully this article can come in handy for you in the future!
Here we go! These are the 4 most Googled health questions in Massachusetts… and the answers to those questions!