Admit it, there’s still an immature side of you that laughs at dirty jokes. Those are meant to be dirty. But you know you also laugh at things that sound dirty but aren’t.
For example, there are so many words that make us chuckle inside. Or if you just don’t give a damn, scream laughing out loud.
Caucus (noun) A meeting of the local members of a political party especially to select delegates to a convention or register preferences for candidates running for office
Coxswain (noun) A person who usually steers a ship’s boat and has charge of its crew
Cockamamie (adjective) Trifling; nearly valueless
Fartlek (noun) An athletic training technique, used especially in running, in which periods of intense effort alternate with periods of less strenuous effort in a continuous workout
Masticate (intransitive verb) To chew (food)
Tittle (noun) The dot on top of the lowercase letters i and j
Shuttlecock (noun) A projectile used in the game of badminton
I could go on for days, but you get the point. Oh wait, I can’t stop. How about some common phrases that sound dirty but aren’t.
“Beat around the bush”
“Low hanging fruit”
“That’s a mouthful”
“Different strokes for different folks”
“Ride em, cowboy!”
“Knock your socks off”
Ok I’ll really stop this time. See! The immaturity is just leaking out of me.
As soon as I found out that there was a place called The Bunghole, I knew there had to be more places in New England that sound dirty, but aren’t out there. And yes. Yes there are. So join me down here in the gutter as we explore New England in a whole new way. Be sure to share with your like, and dirty-minded, friends.
By the way, The Bunghole is a liquor store in Salem, MA.