There’s a number of celebrities who were born with more than two nipples! This is such a weird topic to write about, but I promise there’s a reason why I bring it up.
I was born with a mole underneath my right breast. As I grew older, the mole grew outward. It was located right under my bra line, so it would always get irritated when I played sports. Sometimes it would get so red, that it would bleed a little bit. Finally, I went to a dermatologist and asked to get it removed.
The doctor said it could be removed and I was relieved to hear this! I went back into the office, they froze the mole and then sliced it off with a scalpel. My weird mole was gone! And that’s the moment when I found out that my “mole” wasn’t even a mole at all. The dermatologist told me he thought it was a third nipple.

I went to a dermatologist because I wanted to get my mole removed. Turns out it wasn’t a mole, but a third nipple!
“Umm, excuse me, a third nipple?” I didn’t understand. How could I have been born with something so medically unique and I found out after it was off of my body? I’m not going to lie, I wouldn’t have kept it anyways, but it was still weird to hear that it was an additional non-functioning third nipple.
I talked about it on the show and even gave myself a nickname: “Trip-Nip.” As you can see, I can now laugh about it.
How Common Is It To Have A Third Nipple?
According to GoodRx Heath, being born with a third nipple is quite common. They can form in the womb, and they can look just look like a mole. (Hence, why I thought mine was a mole!) Turns out, 1-5% of people are born with an additional nipple. So it’s not that uncommon when you think about it.
What Is the Medical Term For Having More Than One Nipple?
Having more than two nipples is a “condition” known as polythelia or supernumerary nipples. Polythelia, derived from the Greek words “poly” meaning many and “thelos” meaning nipple, is the medical term used to describe the condition of having more than the typical pair of nipples. While the additional nipples may not always resemble the standard nipples in appearance, they can range from small, pigmented bumps to fully formed structures complete with areola and mammary tissue.
These Celebrities Have Admitted To Having More Than Two Nipples