“Sully” didn’t make the most popular baby name list for Boston in 2023. I want a recount. “Chelsea” and “Lynn” didn’t make it for girls either. What’s up with that? “Dunkin” didn’t make the list. Nor did “Mr. Bean,” “Brady,” or “Kowloon” and I can’t even.
So what are the most popular baby names in Boston? Glad you asked because we have that info. Boston’s birth registry for 2023 is complete, all names have been tallied up, and now we know who’ll be hitting all the hot 21+ events in Boston in 2045 (unless they move away like so many people are right now). “Jackson,” who dominated for a few years is now nowhere to be found in the Top 20, much less the Top 5. On the girl side if your name is So-fee-uh man did you hit the jackpot this year.
Make sure you forward this article around to all your expecting preggo friends. Just in case they want to pick a name like everyone else so teachers in 10 years have to get creative with all the repetitive names in the classroom. Or in case they’re worried that their uniquely chosen name “Boaty McBoatface” isn’t being chosen by everyone else as well, landing it on the most popular list. Or… just to let them know you care. Man what a thoughtful friend you are. Or family member. Or neighbor. Look, I have no idea who you are… but I know I like you. I’m a thoughtful friend/family member/neighbor too. lol
By the way, Massachusetts is a really great place to raise a family. Did you see this new study singing our praises in that category?
And now on to the babies. I’ll give you the Top 5 Baby Names of 2023 in Boston. Ladies first, then the gents. Congratulations to all the babies that made the list. Also, if you’re a baby and you just understood that congratulations tell your mom, dad, or legal guardian to enroll you in Harvard now cause you’re a wicked smart kid.