Carolyn Kruse

Carolyn Kruse

Carolyn Kruse

In the office, at home, on the phone with friends, on the radio, tv…it’s what everyone is talking about. And we can’t help ourselves. We all want to jump in on the “what’s next for Tom Brady” thread.

Sure, we can speculate all we want. But we won’t know until Tom tells us. So, in the meantime, to feed our fantasies, let’s take a look at what’s being said by pros, fans, friends and everyone else. Will he return to the field? And if so, will he consider New England? (fingers and toes are crossed). What about Vegas? Wait, what about all the money waiting for him at the Fox Sports desk?

Limber up, and jump in. Here we go!

  • Where Brady is likely NOT going

    Multiple sources say…not Tampa Bay

  • If Tom Comes Back To The Pats One Player Says he'll come back too

    What he said…

  • What Gronk said

    Wait. What DID he say exactly? He is going to play? He isn’t and can work the sports desk? Playing both sides of the fence


  • Should they? Would they? Could they? The Patriots

  • He's always said 45

  • Vegas, baby

  • He has no idea

    Well played.

  • There's $350 million waiting

  • Odds are on...

    How quickly the tides turn. A few days ago odds were on the Bucs. Today, even some of his teammates at Tampa Bay are saying they think he’s done there.

  • More acting? "He's a natural?"

  • Swimming with the Dolphins?

  • Where he left his heart

  • According to Brady

    This just in… (and it’s colorful)

  • What's really next?

    Brady said what’s next is “a good night’s rest”

    How can you sleep with so many options. So much uncertainty. Maybe some time on the links will help.

    The Match: Champions For Charity

    (Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images for The Match)

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