We all have them. Hopes, dreams, bucket list items we’d love to cross off the list. So, what’s on your bucket list? Your answers and dreams are revealed here. Based on this unofficial reseach, it’s quite clear that most of us want travel, above all. With concert ticket prices so high and so in demand, it’s not surprising that made the list.
I posed the question on social media, and have complied a list of some of your answers. See if you dreams and your bucket list items are included here. What would you add? I loved some of the more creative answers too. Some of you are incredibly adventurous. “Hold a baby tiger” was one of the answers. Another bucket list item revealed the risk takers. “Get in a cage with great white sharks” came from listener Greg. Mark wants to run the Boston marathon.
Close your eyes and ask yourself, “what is something I’d LOVE to do on this earth, before kick the bucket?” Not to be morbid, but it’s inevitable, so we might as well dream. And who knows maybe your bucket list dreaming will help manifest something into reality.
What’s on your bucket list? Your answers and dreams are revealed, below. Bucket list dreaming is actually good for you, according to verywellmind.com. In fact, the article states: “Fitting more hobbies and fun into your lifestyle can bring a significant payoff as well. One fun and effective strategy for ensuring that you take the time you need for the “more fun things” in life (as well as some important goals you may have) is to create a “bucket list,”‘