Boston Archdiocese Says Catholics Allowed To Eat Meat On Fridays During Lent Due To Coronavirus
BBQ is back on as a Friday option for Catholics in the Boston Archdiocese. Cardinal Sean O’Malley is relaxing the requirement of abstaining from meat for the remainder of the Lenten season due to the coronavirus pandemic.
“At this time, we are called to make the best of what we have at hand or is available for purchase. Many people are using what they have stored in their freezers and on their shelves,” says Rev. Peter J. Uglietto, the Archdiocese’s Vicar General in an online letter. “Others are depending upon pre-packaged meals or food delivered through support agencies, which are providing an important service for individuals and families in our communities, especially for children and our senior citizens.”
“In light of these circumstances, Cardinal Seán is dispensing all Catholics in the Archdiocese from the obligation of abstaining from meat during the remaining Fridays of Lent.”
The letter goes on to say that those who are able to keep up with not eating meat on Fridays are encouraged to do so.