Harpoon IPA Celebrates 30th Anniversary, National IPA Day
Harpoon IPA turns 30 in 2023. Naturally, the beloved Boston brew is celebrating the occasion on National IPA Day.
And yes, National IPA Day is a thing. According to the National Day Calendar, National IPA Day is celebrated on the first Thursday of August each year. In 2023, the first Thursday in August is August 3. Here’s the part in the piece where I make the obligatory “every day is National IPA Day when you’re Adam 12” quip. But that’s just a joke. I do enjoy a good IPA, but I like all styles of beer.
It’s been awhile since we’ve had a beer-themed National (insert thing here) Day. Not that I’m complaining, as we’ve had some good National (insert thing here) Days this summer. National Junk Food Day was just a few weeks ago. And National Hot Dog Day was back in mid-July. Although now that I’m thinking about it, pairing that one with this one would probably be the move, right?
Harpoon IPA Celebrates 30th Anniversary, National IPA Day
As the Harpoon PR folks point out: “This year marks the 30th anniversary of Harpoon Brewery’s Original IPA, launched in 1993 as one of the first IPAs to be brewed and distributed on the East Coast.” If you’re a New England beer drinker, you likely know and love Harpoon IPA. I’m pretty sure it’s the first IPA I ever tried, and it continues to be a beer that I enjoy on the regular.
To celebrate 30 years of Harpoon IPA (and National IPA Day), Harpoon is having a National IPA Day Celebration at their Boston Brewery on Northern Ave. on Thursday, August 3. They’ll have at least eight of their IPA varieties on tap, along with a limited number of IPA 30th glasses and koozies. Get all the details here, and be sure to make your way to the brewery to celebrate!