Molly’s mother in law “spanked my son” without her permission while she was babysitting. If you said to your husband “your mother spanked my son”, would you expect him to be on your side or on his mother’s side?

Here’s Molly’s E-mail

Hey guys! Love the show and I would call in about this but I thought I would be too emotional on the phone and just wanted to type out my feelings.

I found out something pretty horrible over the weekend. My son was staying with my husband’s mom for a few days while my husband and I went on a quick trip out of town. When we got back we asked how everything went. She said “Oh fine. He was a little rambunctious but nothing we couldn’t handle.” But my son was more quiet than usual. We thought he was just tired from being spoiled for a few days by his grammy.

He didn’t say much the rest of the ride home but when we got home we asked him again “Did you have fun at Grammys?” And he said “No.” And I said “Oh no, why?”

And then he said what I never thought I would hear.

“Gramma spanked me.”

I shouted “WHAT?” and he repeated it. He’s only 3 so he couldn’t go into too much detail. We went into the house and put him to bed and I asked my husband if he thought he was telling the truth or just making up stories for attention. He said he didn’t know and called his mom.

I didn’t hear the conversation first hand, just heard him on the phone with her but I could tell he was getting flustered. He said “Well did we tell you you could do that? Mom? Mom?”

When he hung up he said that apparently my son had wanted to watch Bluey and my MIL told him no and he threw a fit and threw his fruit box at the screen. And when she tried to grab him he bit her so she spanked him.

I called her and she was crying and apologizing. I asked her to take a picture of where my son bit her if it was so bad and she claimed she didn’t know how. So I told her that I wasn’t comfortable with my son being in an abusive situation and didn’t know if I would allow her to watch him.

She begged me not to and assured me she loves my son, and I believe her, just like I believed my first husband when he said he loved me after he would hit me.

I’m not going to keep her out of my son’s life forever but I definitely won’t let her watch him alone again.

One detail I forgot to mention is that when I put my son to bed he definitely had a red mark on his butt. It wasn’t purple but it was there.

My husband has my back on this even though he said his mom was never abusive towards him, but he’s also appalled. What do you guys think?


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