Do you have one of the hardest jobs in Boston? That was a question that user TheGolg posed to the other users of the Reddit forum r/Boston. It’s a question that has a lot of angles to it. What makes a job hard? Is it the pay? In Boston you need to earn as a family $94 thousand dollars a year just to be considered above the poverty level. That’s almost twice the national level.
But fortunately jobs in Boston do tend to pay better than jobs in other cities. So what else makes a job hard? Is it the responsibilities you have to the safety and well being of your customers? In that case what would the hardest job be? T-operator? Duck Boat Captain? Uber Driver? They all sound harrowing but which one is the most anxiety and sweat producing?
Or is just the culmulative effect that working the job itself has on your emotional well being? I’ve worked a ton of jobs from pizza cook to railroad worker and I can honestly say the reason I work in radio is because I was miserable at every other job but radio. When I made pizza’s the stress of keeping up with orders was making my hair fall out. Very few customers requested that so I became a driver. The stress of getting order’s to people’s houses caused me to get into several minor accidents. Radio, while stressful at least allows me to put my stress to good use. I exorcise my demons on air and make a decent living doing it.
My cohost suggested that running a daycare in Boston would probably be the most stressful. I agree just because FINDING a daycare you can afford in the area is a full time job.
So what did reddit users think was the toughest job in Boston? Their answers are funny and yet a little depressing.