The emerald gemstone jewelry photo with dark lighting background.

Do you still exchange a Valentine’s Day gift with your husband or wife? Ayla had been upset because her husband told her they weren’t doing Valentine’s Day this year. He felt that because they were leaving on a trip for Ireland the next day, that was good enough for Valentine’s Day. Ayla was upset because she thought they should celebrate Valentine’s Day too. So she got him a small gift just so that he would have something small but special to open. So she was shocked when he surprised her with a sweet card and a beautiful emerald and diamond necklace. And then felt awful when he opened his gift…. a mousepad. What would you do if your husband told you he was skipping Valentine’s Day and then surprised you with an amazing Valentine’s Day gift?

Jonathan: Usually for panic button, we have a caller, somebody who screwed up or somebody whose husband or wife screwed up or whatever it is. Somebody is in a fight. Today we’re doing something a little bit different because we do not have a caller. We have a co-host who’s going to be doing it. Now, a couple weeks ago, we did a panic button where you, Ayla, were upset because you had mentioned to your husband, Rob, that Valentine’s Day was coming up. And he went, yeah, I’m not getting you anything because we’re going on vacation.

Ayla: He said, isn’t the vacation Valentine’s Day? We’re spending time together in Ireland. We leave tonight. Isn’t that isn’t that good enough? I was like, dang.

Jonathan: You were so upset about it.

Ayla: And I told him in person. I said, okay, if that’s what you want to do. You know, I guess I was a little heartbroken by it because I thought what a cop out, right?

Jonathan: Right. Yeah, yeah.

Ayla: But like I said two weeks ago. I still got him something small and sentimental because you can’t not get someone something on Valentine’s Day. The trip to me doesn’t count as us spending a romantic time with our 18 month old.

Jonathan: You can not get somebody something on Valentine’s Day.

Ayla: You can. But I just feel like if you have someone in your life, you should for one day. I know it sounds corny but appreciate them.

Jonathan: You can appreciate them without buying them something.

Ayla: I understand, but, that’s not always the case with people.

Jonathan: Not always. Right? So in some weird special cases of a couple that’s been together since they were 16.

Ayla: I know you didn’t get anything for each other.

Jonathan: You know, she actually got me something mean.

Ayla: I did not know that. And you didn’t get hurt?

Jonathan: Nope, I did not. And. Guess what? I’ll talk about it then.

Ayla: You and I have something very similar in common, because here I was. I got something for Rob. It was very small. It was very sentimental, in my opinion. I said it was from me and the baby. I got him a mousepad for his computer and it had our picture on it and it said the date.

Jonathan: I guess.

Ayla: But listen, I thought he wasn’t going to get me anything. And that’s the big word. Because he said he wasn’t going to. So I stuck with the just the small thing. The mousepad.

Jonathan: Yeah. Here’s my face. Put it by the computer.

Ayla: The machine doesn’t have a mouse pad downstairs. And I thought, all right, get him something that’s cute that he needs. He then says, all right, here’s your gift. And it’s this beautifully wrapped gold bag with pink paper coming out of it. I didn’t even get him a card. I open it up. And I opened the card.

Jonathan: Did you not get a card because you thought he wasn’t going to get you a Valentine’s Day gift?

Ayla: Yeah, I just thought this was something small. I open up the card. It’s from Bear and him. It said I love you. Mom, you’re the best wife and mom. I was like, oh my gosh, tears. The card is gorgeous.

Jonathan: Yep.

Ayla: Then came a small box. I said, oh no. And then my husband proceeds to tell me that this is a gift that’s lasting the next couple gifts.

Jonathan: Okay, now which one are we going to believe?

Ayla: I wasn’t getting a gift. And then I opened a jewelry box to this beautiful emerald and diamond necklace. And emerald is very significant because it’s going to be the birthstone of our second child. Yeah. Wow. He did that to me.

Jonathan: So he’s giving you all these gifts?

Ayla: So I open up this gorgeous necklace that he spent hundreds of dollars on for a Valentine’s Day gift. And, guys, I got the mousepad, and I’m feeling like such an idiot. I totally ruined it. I don’t know if I can ever come back from this moment again. Or I should just give up entirely and just not make a big deal on Valentine’s Day. I’m not really sure, but I was definitely embarrassed at the inequality of gifts given, you know what I mean?

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