The Entertainer
Sudbury, Massachusetts’ Chris Evans IS The Sexiest Man Alive!
We've all known it for years, but now, it's official! Actor Chris Evans, who grew up in Sudbury, Massachusetts, is People's Sexiest Man Alive! The former Captain American told the pulication, "My Mom will be so happy!" The title was revealed on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” with help from John Oliver, and former Sexiest Man Alive, Dwayne Johnson. The 41 year old told People that his mom is "proud of everything I do but this is something she can really brag about." The star of The Gray Man is ready for the barbs to come from his friends, saying, "Really this will just be a point of bullying. It's ripe for harassment." Still his mom admitted to People, "Our family will be beside themselves." All I can add is... FINALLY!