Country Mornings with Jonathan & Ayla

Country Mornings with Jonathan & Ayla

Country Mornings with Jonathan & Ayla

Stressed newlywed wife finding out about cheating scandal

Am I A Bad Bridesmaid for Leaving The Bride At The Hospital After She Broke Her Ankle?

Tiffany and Bethany have been friends for years, so it made sense that Tiffany would be a bridesmaid in Bethany’s wedding. But on the way to the church, Bethany broke her ankle and had to go to the hospital. Tiffany went with her, but didn’t stay. Now she has been demoted from Maid of Honor or just a Bridesmaid and she doesn’t understand why.

Here’s Tiffany’s E-mail About Her Bridesmaid Disaster

Hey guys! Love the show, and welcome to the show Danielle! I have a panic button topic for you that I would love to hear the audience’s opinion on. Over the weekend I was at a wedding for one of my best friends (well I would say now FORMER best friends). I was a bridesmaid AND the maid of honor. Which was great, I have known Bethany since we were in elementary school and we’ve always been close.

Well unfortunately before the wedding she was getting off of a bus that was carrying us all to the venue when she stepped funny and BROKE her ankle.

She screamed in pain, we all gathered around her but we could tell this was not good. So her dad put her in his car drove her to the ER. We all followed her there when we went in; they did triage but then told us that it was pretty busy (Memorial Day Weekend) and that we might be there for a few hours. I told Bethany that if the wedding wasn’t going to happen then I was going to go home. I had been in that bridesmaid dress and it was uncomfortable, plus hanging out at a hospital on a Sunday wasn’t my ideal situation.

She seemed fine with it at the time but texted me later saying she was really upset that I left and that since her cousin stayed that she was now her Maid of Honor. Which is ridiculous! I threw her bridal shower and helped her buy her dress and until she broke her dumb ankle I was doing all the other things a MoH was supposed to do! Now her cousin gets the title because I left the ER?

Am I a bad person for leaving her there or would everyone else have done the same thing?


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