Is it just me, or does this Autumn look bigger, brighter and better than any other? I feel like I probably say that every year. But, driving, biking, hiking and walking around New England, taking in the foliage, I’m sure this season is more colorful than ever! (Something we New England sports fans are used to saying).
I thought, perhaps, this year foliage has started blooming earlier, but according to NBC Boston, we are right on schedule. They caution that peak foliage only lasts until early November, so get out there and enjoy every drop of color. Despite drought conditions for Greater Boston, the leaves on vibrant and on schedule.
Last week, I shared a photo of some fabulous colors in my town, and asked Country 1025 listeners to do the same. Take a look at all the beauty around us through the lenses of our listeners, as they shared their fantastic Fall foliage photos.