Every year, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention holds an Out of the Darkness Walk in Boston. Hundreds of people come together for a common cause, to raise awarness about mental health and fight suicide. This year’s walk will take place this Saturday, October 22 at Boston Common, starting at 9:00am. Most of us walking have been touched directly, in some way by mental illness, addiction, and suicide. Others walk to support their friends and family who have suffered a loss, or perhaps have someone in their life they care about who suffers with a mental illness.
Get all the important information to join us or donate below. You can join our team, “Team1025” or just go as an individual, or with friend.
Most of us feel helpless when in the middle of a tough situation. But there is safety in numbers, and there is help and hope. We, Out of the Darkness walkers, feel stronger together. You will hear stories from people just like yourself, who have loved, and maybe lost someone, either physically or mentally. Walking on Saturday is our journey of rememberance, hope and support. It will unite us, and provide an opportunity to acknowledge the ways mental health conditions and suicide affect us and the lives of those we love.