Sara thinks her husband is cheating because he suddenly suggested that her ex-boyfriend move in. She’s worried he is trying to tempt her into cheating because he already is. Is her husband just trying to do something nice because the ex is down on his luck? Or do you think her husband is cheating and trying to set her up?
Jonathan: This is from Sarah, who writes in sating hi Jonathan and Ayla. There’s three exclamation marks after Ayla, so I think she’s more excited about you.
Ayla: Doubt it.
Jonathan: She says, I’m so glad that you guys are back together on air. This is my favorite morning show ever.
Ayla: That I believe. I believe her when she said that.
Jonathan: Here’s a problem for you. My husband and I have had a good marriage. Up until recently, where things have gotten a little rocky and out of nowhere. The other day, he said he’s been talking to my ex boyfriend from college. He is between jobs, my ex boyfriend. And he needs a place to crash for a little bit. My husband suggested that maybe he could stay in our basement.
Ayla: Is it finished or unfinished?
Jonathan: I think the marriage is finished now. On its face, that’s a normal thing. My ex is a super nice guy and we still get along well. And our basement is more like kind of a separate apartment from the house. It’s finished. So he would have his privacy. But I don’t know why my husband decided to do this out of nowhere. So I’m panicking, thinking that he’s up to something. But I have no idea what. He’s never gotten along with my ex-boyfriend before, And now he’s dropping this all of a sudden.
Ayla: Wow.
Jonathan: So is this something to panic about or not? That’s from Sarah. I think it’s something to absolutely panic about. And I would be really worried. In fact, I’m going to ask Sarah to write in because she didn’t want to go on air. This is just an email but. Sarah. Why was your marriage Rocky
Ayla: Usually when we have people call in, we’re able to ask them that in real time. You know what I mean? So, is she okay?
Jonathan: What are your thoughts on it?
Ayla: I mean, my thoughts, I agree with you. But there has to be something else going on. You know what I mean? Like, why this guy? It’s for the husband to say that he doesn’t really have a relationship with the ex. I disagree. I think they’ve met in the past before.
Jonathan: Yeah. To open your house to somebody else?
Ayla: In your house, stranger. Yeah. It’s a little weird. I agree.
Jonathan: Also. I feel like there’s something sinister going on.
Ayla: What? Like what?
Jonathan: Like they’re planning to kill her?
Ayla: You have a safe place at my house, then, if that’s the case.
Jonathan: No, I. Because she doesn’t say what led to this. I would need to hear from Sara why their marriage is rocky first before I can actually give my full theory on this. But I think that something else is definitely going on here, And I think that that he’s trying to set her up.
Ayla: Maybe to cheat. Like for what?
Jonathan: I don’t know until I hear from Sara.