Chase keeps his house at 63 degrees. His wife works from home and turns the heat up to 80 when he’s not there. He insists that heating oil is too expensive and she should just wear a sweater, but he’s not home during the day so she does what she wants. Do you think he’s right to be upset? Or are you ok that she turns up the thermostat when he’s not there?
Jonathan: Right now we have Chase on the phone.
Chase: Hey, what’s going on?
Jonathan: You have a bit of a problem with your wife being frigid.
Chase: Yeah, I do.
Jonathan: But literally. So what’s going on here?
Chase: I’m trying to save a little bit of money. Obviously, everybody is, but, you know, I’m putting off turning on the heat.
Jonathan: Okay. And it’s the middle of November.
Ayla: Yeah, we totally haven’t turned the heat on.
Chase: Well, I’ve turned it on and off. On and off. But I’ve found out because I go to work and my my wife works at home. I work and come home and she keeps turning it on all day.
Jonathan: Okay. She’s turning it on. What do you keep your house at? Ambient? Is it low sixties?
Chase: No, I’m saying when I come home, it’s like a sauna. It’s like 80 degrees.
Jonathan: I’m just saying, if she didn’t have it on, what would the temperature in the house be?
Chase: Well, I’m fine with it being 63, you know what I’m saying? But she thinks that’s too cool.
Ayla: That’s too cool for me.
Chase: Yeah.
Jonathan: So she has it up to like 80.
Ayla: Then that’s hot.
Chase: So when I get home, it’s like a sauna. And I keep telling her, listen, we’ve got to save a little bit of money this year and she doesn’t understand it. And that’s the thing. Why don’t you just put on a sweater or something, okay? And she just doesn’t care. She doesn’t care how much it costs. She’s just like, we’ve got to get the truck coming more than everybody.
Ayla: Yeah, well, it’s annoying, but, I mean, you live here, you know? Well, I have a question. So she works from home. Where do you work?
Chase: I work downtown.
Ayla: Oh, okay. I’m sure they have the heat on.
Jonathan: Yeah, and you’re in that building all day.
Ayla: You don’t have to pay for it. But, I mean, I’m sorry that you have bills to pay, but she’s freezing at the house. What, you want her to just say?
Chase: We’re just trying to save a little bit of money. I told her. Listen, just. Just wear a sweater, baby.
Ayla: So for someone who’s cold all the time, sometimes that doesn’t work.
Jonathan: I’m 100% on his side.
Ayla: Are you?
Jonathan: 63 is not cold.
Chase: Thank you very much. I’m right.