Last week, it was The 12 Most Haunted Places in Massachusetts. This week, it’s the Ghostliest City in Massachusetts.
Or, rather, The Ghostliest Cities in Massachusetts. This all comes from a recent BetMassachusetts piece that lays out the Cities with Most Ghost Sightings in State of Massachusetts. The number-crunchers over there took a break from sports betting odds and instead laid out the odds of you seeing a ghost in Massachusetts. As they put it: “The odds of you seeing a ghost in Massachusetts are actually better than the odds of the Patriots winning the Super Bowl.” Their words, not mine. Although, I have to say I agree.
We’ll dive into the Commonwealth’s Ghostliest Cities below, but the big surprise is that Salem doesn’t top or even make the list. That honor goes to Lowell. So, how did that happen? BetMassachusetts dug into the data over at, that’s how. And the data said your chances of sighting a spook in Lowell are actually higher than grabbing a ghoul in the Witch City. Go figure. Think about it: if word about this gets out, Lowell might start copping some of those big October tourist bucks that Salem rakes in every Halloween season. Witch City Part Two: Mill City.
The Ghostliest City in Massachusetts
So you already have the city that leads the list: Lowell. So how far back is Salem? And who else made the list? And if my city or town is on the list, does that mean my house could be haunted? Or maybe it’s haunted right now? All of these questions (except that last two) will be answered. Just scroll on. And yeah, if your city did make the list, maybe leave a light on in the hallway at night. And check under the bed before you go to sleep tonight.