There are some things that are illegal in America but totally fine in other countries throughout the world.
We all try and be the best parents we can be. But don’t even THINK about trying these things in 2023. While they may seem fine and dandy in other countries, in America these are a “no-go.” In fact, in some cases can get the cops called on you, or even worse, Child Protective Services could take your kids away. So before you leave your kids home alone, or outside unattended, or smoke around them, know the consequences!
The “Good Old Days” Are Not The “New Days”
Do you remember when your parents would tell you to “go outside and play and don’t come home until supper time!” Many of us were raised that way. We went outside when we came home from school, played with the other kids in the neighborhood, maybe rode our bikes to the park, and came back right in time for dinner. That wasn’t weird. That was a part of life.
Or, remember when it was acceptable to smoke cigarettes inside your own car, even if your kids were inside of it? Many people did that. I mean, people smoked on airplanes for goodness sake. It wasn’t weird at the time, but now it is.
Oh, what about spanking your child when they behaved poorly? That was totally normal. Everyone I knew had been spanked by their parents with either a belt, a paddle, or their open hand. If you were a child, it was almost expected, especially if you were caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing. (One time I even got my mouth washed out with soap!)