We all want to play cowgirl or cowboy and you can’t be one in Massachusetts without the most important piece, the boots! Travel down south past the Mason-Dixon Line and you’ll find plenty of places to buy boots, but it’s a lot harder to find them in New England.
And it’s difficult to buy boots online. They’re never the right size or fit, and you feel guilty returning something too clunky. So here’s my advice. The best thing to do when buying boots is to go to an actual boot store so you can try on the shoe, feel the fit, smell the leather, and look in the mirror before you take your wallet out.
Nancy Sinatra said it best when she said, “These boots were made for walkin’ and that’s just what they’ll do.”
Buying boots is a commitment. If you buy the right pair, theoretically, it should be a boot that will last you a lifetime. Some of the my boots I’ve had for 15 years already. I still break them out from time to time at a country concert, or when I’m wearing a dress on stage to sing.
Here’s another piece of advice when it comes to your boots. If you ever destroy the bottoms of the heel, don’t throw them away! Bring the boot to a shoe cobbler so they can replace the bottom of them. I’ve never thrown out any of my expensive cowboy boots and I never will! Shoot, if I ever have a daughter I might give them to her!
So don’t go to Nashville to buy your next pair. They are overpriced on Broadway anyways. Instead, shop local in Massachusetts because there are plenty of places that carry them. In fact, here are ten stores where you can find cowboy boots right here, locally!! Yeehaw, and happy shopping!