Apparently You’ve Been Eating Ice Cream Wrong This Entire Time!
Did you Know There’s Actually a Way to “Properly” Eat Ice Cream?
(and there’s 7 steps)
Step 1
“You should leave the ice cream out for 15 minutes when you take it out of the freezer.” HOW DO YOU WAIT THAT LONG?!
Step 2
“Using a teaspoon, scoop out a SMALL amount of ice cream.” HOW DARE YOU TELL ME HOW MUCH TO PUT ON MY SPOON
Step 3
“Place the teaspoon upside down into your mouth so the ice cream touches your tongue – taste buds – first.” OK I GET THAT…NEXT
Step 4
“Move the ice-cream around your mouth taking note of the cold sensation and creamy texture.” WHAT ABOUT BRAIN FREEZE!!”
Step 5
“Inhale through your mouth so that it reaches all your receptors.” THAT SEEMS HARD TO DO
Step 6
“Keep the ice-cream in your mouth for a full 12 seconds to experience maximum flavour.” WHAT ABOUT BRAIN FREEZE!
Step 7
“Repeat with every bite to build up the full ice-cream taste profile and sensation.” IT’S REALLY HARD NOT TO EAT THE ENTIRE PINT