Nostradamus’ Predictions For 2021 Include Asteroids and Zombies
French philosopher Nostradamus’ track record for predicting the future has been freakishly accurate and if his track record keeps up, 2021 could be another whopper.
Nostradamus seems to hint at 2021 being the beginning of the highly-dreaded zombie apocalypse, mentioning in his writings for the year “few young people: half-dead to give a start.” He continued, “Fathers and mothers dead of infinite sorrows / Women in mourning, the pestilent she−monster: / The Great One to be no more, all the world to end.” Yikes.
Nostradamus also seems to allude to the coronavirus pandemic in his writings for 2021: “After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared. The Great Mover renews the ages: / Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel, and plague, / Is the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.” More yikes.
And finally, the asteroid: “In the sky, one sees fire and a long trail of sparks.”
So 2021 could be another blazing dumpster fire. Orrrrr – maybe these predictions should be taken with a grain of salt – I mean they are over 500 years old, right? Right?? **knock on wood that 2021 will be amazing**