Tech Expert Says This Hack Will Save Your Phone Will Stop Fast Battery Drain
Want to save some battery time? There’s a hack for that!
Battery saver for iphone? It’s a modern day problem that our parents never had to worry about. Their phones were hanging on the kitchen wall with a long chord, or maybe there was another one or two in the house. They never had to think about how much battery life was left on the old Ma’s Bell telephone. For us it’s a daily dilemma, always making sure we have enough juice left to get us to the next charge.
Our phones have become such an extension of our lives that we cannot be left without it for very long. There are studies that show people have to look at it at least once every 15-20 minutes or they start to get withdrawal symptoms. Ask a teenager to hand over their phone for any reason and you will get them to do anything you want. Not doing their homework or chores? Threaten to take the phone and they will do anything to keep it.
What did we do without them?
If you’re over the age of 40 you should be able to recall a time before cellphones were everywhere and owned by everyone. What did we do if we needed to make a call on the road? You had to have coins or a person on the other end who would accept collect call? I doubt anyone under 40 even knows what a collect call is let alone ever had to place one. Remember the anxiety of waiting for the person on the other end to say “yes, I will accept the call”? If they said no, that would be a terrible thing to hear.
It’s not about talking anymore
Hardly anyone calls any these days. We usually opt for a text first and let’s be honest, do you ever get a call from someone that’s calling for a good reason? Calls usually bring some type of news that you probably didn’t want to hear. This past week my daughter called me while I was getting tires put on that mom had fallen and couldn’t get up. My wife is not old, but she slipped off the front stairs while hanging Christmas lights and twisted her ankle severally. I knew my daughter wasn’t calling to just chat with me. Again, bad news.
We need to get a life!
Battery life that is, and fortunately there is a techie who goes by @t_sply on TikTok . He claims he discovered a “fool-proof” to save your iPhone’s battery and give it “unlimited power.”
The trick will thrill those who have been complaining about a fast-draining battery with the latest iOS update.
All you have to do is go to your iPhone’s settings, tap Accessibility and choose Display & Text Size. From there, turn on the Reduce White Point setting.
Save you from the dreaded “reduced power” warning
The more you want to save battery, the further you should move the slider, reducing whites on the screen as much as possible.
The only catch is that when using your phone in bright or sunny places, this setting will make it harder to see the screen.
Even not in the sun, some users could potentially find it harder to read their screens with the setting turned on — but there’s a solution.
Thankfully, Reduce White Point and Brightness are two different entities, so you can play around with both until you find the perfect happy medium to keep your battery life longer while still being able to read your screen without trouble.
Overall, reducing white point will help not only with battery life but also with reducing eye strain and limiting screen time before bed.