Pretty night time illuminations of the Impressive Arc de Triomphe (1833) along the famous tree lined Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris. ProPhoto profile for precise color reproduction.

Shirley is retired after 35 years of work and took her husband on a two week dream European vacation that she’s been waiting years to go on. But her daughter who is pregnant went into labor a month early and wants her to come home. Should Shirley give up the dream European vacation she’s been waiting her whole life for or miss the birth of her first grandchild?

Call With Shirley

Ayla Brown: Hi, Shirley. Good morning. Can you hear me okay?

Shirley: Yes, it’s a little scattered, but it’s good. I’m calling from Paris on wifi. Can you hear me okay?

Ayla Brown: Yes, I can actually hear you. They must have really sophisticated wi fi in Paris. So I know you sent me an email with your predicament. I can’t wait to talk to you. Thank you for finding the time in the city of love to call in. What’s going on with your daughter and your trip? Fill us in, please.

Shirley: Well, you know, I appreciate this really a lot because I really love your show and I trust you. I’ve been a receptionist now for 35 years, and I finally saved up enough money to go on a trip all around Europe. This has been on my bucket list. I’m finally able to do it. My husband and I are now in Paris. We’re going to go tour.

Ayla Brown: You’re going to go to all the places I’ve ever wanted to see and all the things I’ve ever wanted to do.

Shirley: But I have a problem.

Ayla Brown: Okay, Tell me. Tell us all.

Shirley’s Moral Dilemma

Shirley: All right, here’s my problem. And I need help. My daughter went into labor a month early. So I’m sitting here in Paris and she calls me and she wants me home. I promised I would be there, I want to see the baby be born and I want to hold it right away. But I’m also in Paris having a good time and I don’t know what to do. Even if I came home, my husband’s going to stay. I mean, I saved all this money for so long. I just can’t believe this.

Ayla Brown: And is this your daughter’s first baby? Or is it like her fourth? And it’s like, Oh, I got this.

Shirley: Oh, no, it’s her first baby and my first grandchild. So what do I do?

Ayla Brown: So you’re here. You’re calling me from Paris. I know there’s a time difference. So you’re thinking, do I cancel the rest of my trip. You have, what, two and a half weeks left in this excursion?

Shirley: Oh, yes. Two weeks of happiness, but now I have another type of happiness

Ayla Brown: But the problem is because your daughter needs you and she wants you, and she needs you to help out with her first baby. I’ve been there. I needed all the help I could get recovering emotionally, physically, mentally. So what does Shirley do if you’re listening right now? What the heck should Shirley do? Should she get on the next plane and come back home to Boston, or should she stay on her 35 year retirement trip and finish her trip around Europe that she’ll never get this opportunity again. Shirley, I’m going to have to send you a message to let you know what people are saying, because you’re not going to be able to listen in live right now. Thank you and good luck and congrats to your daughter.


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