Researchers May Have A Cure For Hangovers!
Life during a pandemic isn’t easy. Many of us have found comfort in cooking, tv binging and boozing.
Yes, alcohol consumption is up, which mean so are hangovers. Thankfully, a cure may be on the way.
Researches have a least found some comfort, in a recent study. The research group from the University of Helsinki and the University of Eastern Finland surveyed 19 men. Now this might be a study in which you may actually want to participate! The 19 subjects had to spend a series of Friday nights in a hotel room, drinking.
But wait, there’s more….
Researchers May Have Unveiled A Hangover Cure That Could Change The Way You Feel The Morning After Drinking
— Delish (@Delish) August 20, 2020
The participants consumed a 10% ABV combo of cranberry juice and Koskenkorva, which is a grain alcohol. They were given amounts based on their weight. And they each got either a placebo, a pill with 600 milligrams of L-cysteine, an amino acid, or a pill with a double dose of L-cysteine.
The next day, each man had to report on his symptoms. And just as you might have suspected, those who go the larger dose of L-cysteine reported feeling less bad than normal. Meaning they had little nausea and less intense headaches. Those who got the 600mg dose reported less anxiety.
So, good news… This could be the beginning of an actual cure for a century’s old ailment.
And, more good news…You can save money on the morning after hair-of-the-dog cocktail, greasy burger and Pedialyte cure you’ve been using forever.