Welcome to Boston college students! This week is college move-in week and there are a LOT of brand new college students in Boston.
Need to know for new college students in Boston
There are many other things you need to know about Boston while you’re settling in here. There are basic things about the landscape of the city and the highways. There’s also a lot to know about our sports teams and our pride for the city. We have several cities and towns in the state that if you don’t pronounce them right, you may end up in the wrong place. We are trying to help you because we know, as a newcomer, you don’t want to stand you. You want to blend in. That’s why you must learn these simple things about Boston.
What makes Boston Boston
In the past week, we’ve put together a list of our thoughts and we compiled it with the thoughts of our listeners. These are not ranked in any particular order. There are 17 things we simply think you need to know. A few that didn’t make the cut: “Be so careful if you’re riding a bike in this city! So many cyclists get hit by cars.” That was from Claudia Kass Lascola. “Yellow light means put your foot on the gas.” That was from Dieudonné Jérôme. One of my personal favorites was from Sandy Desjardins who said “it’s Wicked Cool here.” Now these are not super technical. These are for fun only. However, they are still VERY VERY important. Learn them. Follow them. Live them.
Here are the 17 things you need to know about Boston if you’re here from out of town. Have a great year!