Amelia put on her resume that she did charity work with her church even though she’s not actually religious. Her boss, who is religious, hired her and now wants them to attend church together so she has been dragging her boyfriend to church. But how long can she keep this up? And is her boss even allowed to ask her to attend church together?
Ayla Brown: Good morning, Amelia. What’s going on with your boss? With your resume? Was there a little white lie that you put in there to talk to me about it?
Amelia: Well, I started this new job. And before I got the job, during the interview process on my resume, I said that I did fundraising work with the church. That was true because I did some fundraising with my mom’s church. But I’m not really that religious.
Ayla Brown: Okay
Amelia: So during the interview process, the woman saw the fundraising with the church and she got really excited. She started asking me a lot of questions about my religion, about what church I go to. And although I’m not religious and I don’t go to church, I wanted to make a really good impression on her. So I said that I went to a specific church and she got really excited. And I told her I was super religious and it made her like me more. So I kept going with it. But that time on the fundraising with my mom, I only went to support my mom, honestly.
Ayla Brown: Right. And you put it on your resume thinking, I’m going to put this little thing on my resume. It’s going to make me look like I’m a well balanced person and it’ll make me look good, too. So it really did make you look good in front of your boss. Did you actually go to church? Did she invite you to go to church?
Amelia: Yeah. So I got the job, which is good, right?
Ayla Brown: Yeah.
Amelia: Then she started asking me to go with her to church, and I was a little uncomfortable. But I didn’t want to say no and possibly ruin our relationship because I wasn’t religious.
Ayla Brown: Yeah.
Amelia: I made my boyfriend go with me to church. And he’s not religious either, so he was kind of like, What are you doing, Amelia? But I did it anyway. And now she’s asking me to basically become a member of her church. So I go every weekend, and I just don’t know if I can keep up with this. My boyfriend’s getting irritated at me because I’ve dragged him into it. And he’s also like, You’re lying to her.
Ayla Brown: Yeah, I mean, that’s kind of how I feel. I mean, no offense, but you lied on your resume. Well, it wasn’t really a lie because you did help that one church fundraiser, but it’s now entered you into this whole new Bible reading version of yourself. So I guess is it right? Is it wrong? Where do you go from here? That’s what you’re wondering Amelia. Let’s see what our listeners think. Do you condemn Amelia for doing what she’s doing, lying to her boss to get ahead? Do all people do this? Do you say these little white lies to make yourself look better as you climb the ladder at your job? Thank you and God bless. May the Lord be with you. I know you know what to say “And also with you”, because now you go to church.
Amelia: Oh, yeah. Thank you.