Would you bring pizza to a pot luck? Rebecca spent hours making her famous lasagna for a pot luck dinner she threw for the neighborhood. So she was horrified when one of her neighbors showed up with a pizza she picked up on the way over. So she threw it out
Ayla Brown: My stomach is grumbling right now because this all has to do with a potluck dinner and yummy, yummy food. Hi, Rebecca.
Rebecca: Hi. How are you?
Ayla Brown: I’m okay. What happened at the potluck dinner?
Rebecca: Okay, well, I mean, I am known for my parties, but I was inviting some people from the neighborhood, some friend, coworkers, that kind of thing. And I really took some time to put this together. And it was just like a nice way of people getting to know each other. I’m pretty sure everybody knows what potluck is.
Ayla Brown: Yeah, I’ve been to one for like a chili potluck thing where everyone brings a different type of chili and then there’s like a theme to it. So I’ve been to them.
Rebecca: Yeah, You totally get it. Okay, so and this wasn’t a theme, although I love that idea anyway, but it was just like, you know, people from the neighborhood. And so there was this gal down the street and I know her, but I don’t her that well. Well, everybody was coming in and she came in and brought a pizza. I slaved over a lasagna, my famous lasagna, for like 4 hours and she brings pizza, you know, from a local place like shop local and support local businesses. And I get that. I totally get that. But not for a potluck. Why? Why, though? I mean everybody knows that a potluck is like bring something that you make or something from a family recipe or something to share like you’re all making dinner together.
Ayla Brown: Pizza. If someone else makes it, that is just a no go.
Rebecca: If she made it, it would be different. But she ordered it. That’s no time at all. That’s cheating 100%. It’s cheating. And I didn’t want to seem to be rude around my other friends, but I was just freaking weird. So, she came in and everybody is socializing and I just was going to put it to the side and I just threw it away because I didn’t want anyone to think I bought it or I didn’t want that at the table. That’s my apartment.
Ayla Brown: With someone’s pizza that they brought to your potluck.
Rebecca: We’re going to serve that when it’s in cardboard. It just wasn’t cute. I just was not about that. So it’s potluck. Bring your own stuff.