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Why My Daughter’s Boyfriend’s Weak Handshake Has Me Worried Have you ever met someone new and immediately felt like something was off? Maybe it was the way they carried themselves, or perhaps it was something as simple as a handshake that didn’t quite hit the mark. In today’s "Panic Button," we dive into a situation that’s all too relatable for many parents—meeting your child’s significant other for the first time. Our caller, Jeff, shares his concerns about his daughter’s boyfriend, but it’s not his character or background that’s causing the issue; it’s his handshake. Could something as small as a handshake really be a dealbreaker? JonathanCountry 102.5, Jonathan and Ayla doing Panic Button. Today for Panic Button, we have Jeff. Hey, Jeff! JeffHey, how's it going? JonathanWell, you've got a bit of a problem that you just can't seem to shake off. What's going on, Jeff? JeffAlright, let’s just get straight to it. I just met my daughter’s boyfriend, and he’s got kind of a weak handshake. JonathanOK. Can you set this up a bit more? Like, did you just meet him? AylaYou just get straight to the point—I love it! JonathanThat's a good one. JeffYeah, I showed up, we shook hands, and it’s just one of the first things I noticed, especially in a young man dating my daughter, you know? AylaOK, what did it feel like when he shook your hand? What was that like? JonathanYeah, when you shook your own hand, that would have felt weird. JeffThere was nothing to it. Just a weak handshake from a weak young man. A handshake is supposed to be strong and have an impact. JonathanI mean, maybe it was just a one-off thing. Sometimes you go in and it’s awkward—I’ve had that happen with guys before. You go to shake hands, and it’s like, "Oh wait, let’s try that again." Sometimes there's a timing issue, but yeah. AylaI totally agree. But did you redo it? JonathanDid you at least give him a second chance? JeffYes, and it happened again. JonathanOh, so it was twice? The beginning and the end of the evening, I’m assuming? AylaOK, so what’s the problem? Did your daughter find out about this, or what’s the issue? JonathanYeah. JeffThe problem is I don’t think my daughter should be dating a young man who can’t even manage a proper handshake. AylaOK, I kind of agree with Jeff because I’ll tell you what—one time, my dad met a guy I was dating after my divorce, and he shook his hand. Afterward, my dad was like... JeffYes? Ayla"I didn’t feel it with that handshake." JonathanOh my God. But your dad's also... AylaI was like, dude... JonathanHe shook hands for a living. AylaHe does. So I think he’s a good judge of a handshake. I don’t know if you’ve ever shaken my dad’s hand though. JonathanReally? AylaYeah, I wouldn’t do it. JonathanNo, I’d be like, "No, I’m not doing this." You do this professionally. It’d be like if your husband challenged me to a hockey game—no way. AylaYeah, don’t do it. You’re not winning that one. JonathanSo, Jeff, I kind of get what you’re saying in a weird way. I wouldn’t want to hear it if I were your daughter, but I understand. JonathanBut did you bring this up with anyone, or are you just telling us? JeffNo, I brought it up. But you know how it goes—my daughter doesn’t agree, doesn’t understand why it’s a big deal. My wife kind of sides with my daughter, and that’s just how things are going. JonathanAlright, well, let’s see what the audience thinks. Call us at 888-819-1025. How important is a firm handshake for a man? Call or text at 888-819-1025. Jeff, thanks so much. JeffAlright, thank you.

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