With The Pollen Count High, So Is “Coronanxiety”
Right now headaches and sniffles are running rampant. But before you run off the deep end, fearing the worst, keep in mind that pollen counts are extremely high today and that could explain your symptoms.
Meteorologists are warning that today’s dry, beautiful weather comes with a cost.
Here's the one downside to the dry weather today and tomorrow : #pollen@boston25 #mawx #boston pic.twitter.com/ZfLcLKKMR8
— Shiri Spear (@ShiriSpear) April 6, 2020
It’s not convenient that this pandemic is happening at the same time as Spring allergies, but keep in mind the coronavirus symptoms are different.
Fever, coughing and shortness of breath appear to be symptoms most associated with COVID-19 patients. Here’s more from the Centers for Disease
Of course, it’s always, always best to check with your doctor.
/photo/1How do you tell the difference between symptoms of #coronavirus, asthma, hay fever, colds and flu? We’ve produced this chart to help you. Get the latest advice: https://t.co/x3N991wYdY pic.twitter.com/MVdHi8GggV
— Asthma + Lung UK (@asthmalunguk) April 2, 2020