Carrie Underwood Shares Personal Workout Tips
There’s no denying that Carrie Underwood is in fantastic shape. It doesn’t come easy, though, and she recently sat down with Shape magazine to share the habits that keep her that way.
Having music during her workouts is huge, she says, particularly when she’s running. “I always plug in, she tells the publication. “I need music. I can’t hear my steps on the pavement. If I do it makes it harder. And if I have good music to run to I feel like I go faster. But I am constantly trying to like beat my times. Sometimes I’ll do Apple Music rock workout or other times I’ll pick Nelly radio, because I feel like that one’s kind of safe and it’s a little old-school and not too aggressive!”
Tracking her progress is a big deal, too, which is why she’s so attached to her Fitbit. “I’ve been rocking a Fitbit for like three and a half years,” Carrie continues. “It feels wrong if I don’t have it on. My step count is 10,000 now. My son likes to go play soccer and kick the ball around so I get tons of steps chasing after him. Still, I’ve never gotten into the twenty-thousands. But I also do a lot of like weights and things like that – I’m kind of sad that I don’t get steps for that! My mom and my mother-in-law are both in my Fitbit friend group and beat me on a daily basis.”
Focusing on a mantra helps, too. “I follow the original CALIA mantra – ‘stay the path’ – because you know, wherever you are in your life, we can veer off and there are things that can derail us once in a while, but you just do your best to get back on and remember your goals.”
See the entire interview from Shape here.
Teddy McDonald is a fun-lovin’ country music fan man living in Nashville, Tennessee.